Dog Training
Is your dog behaving in ways that feel incompatible with your lifestyle and goals? Then you should book a dog training consultation. Despite the name, this service involves helping both you and your dog improve your communication and relationship. During the consultation, Elyssa will assess your dog's existing behaviour and history, and provide a behavioural management plan to help treat or reduce the problem behaviour(s). This includes unlimited follow up calls and emails to ensure you and your dog are making progress.
Book a consult
Helping dogs with emotional baggage
Managing behavioural issues related to:
- Frustration ('aggression')
- Reactivity
- Fear and Anxiety
- Impulsivity
- Low Emotional Resilience
$150 per hour
Follow up consultations are encouraged to help your dog reach a level where you’re both getting the most out of your relationship. Whether that is being able to enjoy a walk in the park or just being able to chill out together at home, Elyssa will help you set realistic goals and systematically achieve them with your dog.
Why book a behaviour consult?
Sometimes our dogs develop behaviours that can range from embarrassing (e.g. jumping up on guests or pulling on lead), distressing (e.g. separation-related anxiety) to outright dangerous (human-directed aggression). These consults are designed to help curb these behaviours, and teach your dog healthier ways of coping and interacting with their environment. Many of the techniques used will also have applications in day-to-day interactions with your dogs, helping you encourage your dog to be happy and calm overall. Consults will also teach you the best, scientifically proven, ways to interact with your dog- so you yourself can practice good dogmanship!
What methods are used?
These will of course vary depending on your dog’s personality and your own dogmanship. However, all techniques will reflect the key tenets of dogmanship. As such, there will be a heavy emphasis on positive reinforcement. So be prepared to be giving your dog lots of treats, toys and/or play!
What do I need to do to prepare?
Just make sure you have treats, toys and a suitable leash for your dog (body harnesses are encouraged!). It’s a good idea to make sure your dog has had a decent walk beforehand to make sure they’re as relaxed as possible. Be prepared to change a few things up in your lifestyle and interactions with your dog, behaviour change is achieved through patience and consistency. There are no quick fixes!
Elyssa services the Lake Macquarie region currently. If you live outside of this area, please get in contact to discuss whether a teleconsult is suitable for you and your dog.